How To Get On Jay-Meister's A-List
by JayWalk
by JayWalk
(05 Aug 2008) - You don't have to be a supermodel or Ms Universe in order to be beautiful. All it takes is a little bit of effort and you could be the most gorgeous-looking girl in the room.
As the old Chinese saying goes, "There are no ugly women. Just lazy ones."
So if you would like to get into JayMeister's A-List, read on.
Shoes - There is Attitude when there is Altitude. I am referring to dressing occasions here. So sporting occasions (sneakers, trainer, running shoes) or wet marketing occasions (flip flops, sandals, crocs(!) and birkies) are not relevant in this particular discussion.
I don't like flats on a lady regardless of how tall you are. Even if you are 1.85m, a little bit of heel say 1" to 1.5", would make you look more poised and elegant. Flats just make the lady look frumpy.
If you are taller than your man, it's really not your problem. It's his. He is the short fart. I have dated taller girls before and I never had any problems having them towering over me. Not that I am short, but there will always be that someone taller. Besides, it's always fun to be the couple that everybody stares at. The guy will be the envy of all his peers simply because he had you.
Then there is the question of open toe vs covered shoes.
Personally, I prefer covered shoes and partly due to the fact that many ladies don't pay enough attention to their pedicure which can be quite horrendous in a pair of open toed shoe. Then again, covered shoes may encourage the ladies to continue to be tardy with their pedicure as out of sight, out of mind. So I guess there are pros and cons in a covered shoe. Still, I prefer the prior because they look better on the lady. Personal preference, of course.
Perhaps almost due to our Singaporean culture where we leave our shoes at the front door then walking inside the house in slippers or bare feet, the wardrobe is, as a result, separated from the shoes, where the prior is in the bedroom or next to it. In other words, the ladies would pick the shoes after they have picked the dress.
Try this for a change, do the opposite and pick a dress to match the shoes. Go out to the shoe cabinet (if you don't own a walk-in wardrobe like Carrie Bradshaw), pick out the shoes you would wear for the day, then come back in to pick out a matching outfit to go with. You'd be surprised how different the whole experience would be.- Bags - That's my daughter's second word after "papa". There is no need to starve yourself silly in order to get that Hermes. Get something nice within your means, if the prior is too rich for your blood.
Seriously, what is the point of living on bread and water for 2 months just to get that Louis Vuitton? If it is deemed out of your league, people are going to assume that you are carrying a fake anyway.
Then there is the issue of "fad". It's has an expiry date that it will go out of style at some point in time. So after you have painstakingly plonked $$$$$ on that latest "IT" bag, what do you do with it when it is no longer in fashion?
Rather than selling a kidney to get that one mega-expensive Prada, why not buy 3 nice classic Coach or Kate Spade?Kate Spade - Classic Noel Tracy Bucket
D&G Dolce & Gabbana - Small Tote With Strap
Anyway, a nice tote is a must-have as ladies have been known to carry shitloads of rubbish with them. That's all fine and dandy for the working weekday but come the weekend, a nice shoulder sling or handbag would be better.
Now come the evening where dressing takes a bit more than just the usual, a quaint little clutch is a Yes, especially if you are wearing something strapless. The word strapless means no strap from the dress and neither from the bag. Think about it, strapless because you want to flaunt that beautiful curvy shoulders of yours. So wouldn't you agree that it is really dumb to put the strap back on with the bag?
If you are worried about the tiny little clutch not being able to hold in everything, there is this other thing that would resolve that problem.
It's called the man's pocket. Just hand it to the guy to hold it for you. - Outfits. It's the 80-20 rule. You wear 20% of your clothes 80% of the time. Perhaps it's time to take stock of your wardrobe and you'd be surprised to discover how many new outfits you actually have to choose from inside. Add a little mix and match, the number is even bigger.
Now, new outfits do not necessarily translate to good ones. There will be those what-was-I-thinking-when-I-bought-that types. I say, clear them out. Sell it, donate it. Just don't hoard it. Make space for new outfits to come in.
As for accessories, it is better to keep it simple. There's a thin line separating crass and class. Don't over-bling yourself. Especially the ears, don't overload it with ear chandeliers that are so heavy that they threatened to rip the flesh off your earlobes.
Guys prefer to kiss the naked nape of the neck, nibble the back of the shoulder and flick the lobes of the ears, without having endure a mouthful of jewelry.
Oh yes, throw in a nice scent while we are at it. Thanks in advance! - Underwear. Granny panties are for grannies. Period. Wear something that you would enjoy looking yourself in the mirror. Doesn't matter if the average guy on the street will never get to see it. It's your own little secret.
There is nothing sexier than being in power.
So what's is so special about underwear? If you think about it, it represents the last line of defense to finally reach the land of milk and honey. Men are weakest at this point in time. Call it the thunderous calm before the storm, the blinding darkness before the dawn, the shattering tension before the orgasm.
Oh yes, one more thing, please get rid of the Hello Kitty, Dear Daniel, Winnie The Pooh, Ultraman, Cars, The Incredibles, Toy Story, Barbie Doll, My Little Pony, Care Bear, Spongebob Squarepants, Dora The Explorer, Snow White, Mulan, Ariel, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Pochahontas, Powerpuff Girls, and Kim Possible matching underwear set if you have past your 6th birthday. - You. Last but not least, you, yourself and you. The above points (1) to (4) are nothing if you can't get Point (5) right. The above points are sitting on the basic foundation of You. If you don't feel good about yourself, none of the above will do anything for you. You may wear the nicest outfit, shoes and carry the most fabulous bag, it would still amount to nothing if you look and feel like a train wreck. Just the basic proper eating, proper rest, and proper water intake will see you in good stead.
Oh yes and GET OFF that lazy butt and get some exercise! Get the muscles toned and your heart rate up. Put that glow back on your cheeks and I don't mean the rouge kind. - Smile. 'nuff said.