Ashton and Demi do it. Congress just started doing it - and Britney, well rumor has it she actually has her assistant do it for her. Here’s the question: Do you tweet on Twitter?
If you don’t than you may be missing out on the new Fad in social networking sites. Twitter has quickly become the third largest such site sitting closely behind Facebook and MySpace. Twitter is quickly gaining momentum largely due to how quickly users can update their followers to what is going on in their lives by a short tweet. A what? A tweet. A tweet is 140 character quick blast of any thought that you have about anything. It can best be described as free internet text messaging that reaches all of your friends at once. You can tweet as much or as little as you would like, some people tweet every hour.
Did you go shopping today? Eat at a great new restaurant? Find a fabulous dress sale? Well type it into your laptop or mobile phone and let the masses or just your twitter followers know about it. Gone are the days of sending everyone you know a birth announcement, now you can update them straight from the delivery room!
Last month, Ashton Kutcher challenged Ted Turner’s CNN to tweet off; a competition to see who could reach a reach a million followers first. Ashton ultimately won the contest. In doing so, he made a powerful point. One person’s tweet can be just as loud as a tweet from a multi billion dollar news conglomerate. Some may assume technology is cold and distancing, but it fact it can connect people and bring them together.
Roaman’s has had a twitter account for a year and we want to offer up the challenge to our loyal blog fans to join our twitter page now and start following us. What a great excuse to start your own account and start twittering yourself. When you follow Roaman’s Twitter page you will get the latest dish on all of our sales and promotions sent directly to your mobile phone so you won’t miss a thing. Wait I am getting a tweet right now....Roaman's website has 40% off your highest item this weekend only? Glad I joined because who would not want to know about a great sale or when the newest fashions hit the web? What are you waiting for? Start tweeting!