I'm watching the morning telecast of Johannes B. Kerner's talk show on DW (Channel 45 with Starhub TV) that hosted Karl Lagerfeld as his guest.
I'm not that great in German, but I vaguely heard him slamming Heidi Klum and her husband, Seal.
"...Ich bin kein Dermatologe, aber seine Haut möchte ich auch nicht haben. Da hat meine besser überlebt. Der hat so eine Kraterlandschaft."
Karl said that he is no dermatologist, but he knows that that is not the kind of skin he would want...and he compared Seal's complexion to crater! (You should have seen the priceless reaction of the audience)
Read more here
And now we know why he is always spotted with his sunglasses!
More on the show's review here or watch the video via the official website
(Never offend a fashion designer)