Glamour Magazine recently hit it big with a photoshoot featuring a nude plus size model and un-airbrushed where stomach rolls are left visible otherwise known as the gorgeous woman on p. 194. That article started a body image revolution for the magazine and it has shaken up the fashion world quite a bit. Glamour Magazine really hit a cord with their audience as they've received lots of feedback which addresses many known issues in the fashion world such as most designer brands won't go above a size 12 and why ads only use skinny models (for asipirational purposes). They even dared to discuss whether using a plus size models encourages the raising obesity problems in the U.S.
German's leading fashion magazine Brigitte also announced they would be swapping out thin models with real life women. Along with the 2007 Spanish law which bans super-thin models from walking on the catwalk, looks like we've got a real body image revolution taking place. Cheers!