When the stars for payday, bonus payout, and the lunar new year align to form a rare constellation, it's just calls for one thing - ONLINE SHOPPING!!!
I can't express how much adrendaline I receive gushing into my veins when I shop online; by far the best remedy for a shopaholic who hates the crowd. I have my few favourite stores and one of them is Colette. I mean, who doesn't regard Colette as their fave retail outlet ever? Even friends from Paris love that place. They are often well-stocked and provides a comprehensive one-stop shopping experience that you can't find in most places.
Along with the new bills, I've been looking for some work shirts and I stumble upon some pretty neat ones from Commes Des Garcons homme plus and Dior Homme.
Commes Des Garcons Homme plus s/s 2010
McQ by Mcqueen also have some decent designs that cost a fraction of his main line.
With all that I have this afternoon, I bought 2 shirts from CDG's homme plus collection. P/S: There is a CDG outlet in four seasons hotel if you're a skeptic for online shopping.
Tie pin and cufflinks from Lanvin via Colette