Trudy at Hotpatterns really is right up to the minute. Her Track and Field Cargo Pants look very much like the pants that I have been reading about in the papers for the past month. Pants that I haven't yet seen in the stores or on the trendy Mums at the school gates (you know the ones, glossy blow-dried hair and whippet thin.) I live in the flashy bit of West Essex near London. I'd be surprised, if I didn't see a lot of this sort of trouser all Spring and Summer around here.
They look comfy, and would seem to be right up my ally. Alas, all the fashion editors advise that you MUST, MUST wear a heel with these or you will look dumpy. Sigh. I have always had lousy feet and for the last 6 months have had plantar fasciitis. So, no high heel sandals for me.
I am not very good at putting "looks" together or imagining what goes with what, but I can kinda of see that sneakers would not look so good here. If anyone spots this trend with a comfortable shoe option, I'd be interested in knowing about it!
Here are some from Balmain on Net a Porter for £2559.46!
Here are some by Sas & Bide for a mere £210. (A budget option! Hee hee :)
No doubt, TopShop and Zara will be churning this stuff out soon, and I will see it on the teenage girls around here in less than a month's time.