WHEN I HEAR GOLF GIRL, I think of Patricia Hannigan who has been blogging under that moniker since the beginning of blog time. Well, almost. I’ve been at this a while myself, but Patricia had already hit her stride when I was just starting out. She is smart, fun, savvy, opinionated, enthusiastic and abundantly stylish. Patricia also has a refreshing sensibility about the game of golf—and ways to experience it.

If you’ve made the rounds in the golf blogosphere, you’ve surely run across her popular blog,
Golf Girl’s Diary, but I’m writing to mention her new book,
Golf Girl’s Little Tartan Book: How to Be True to Your Sex and Get the Most from Your Game, published by Stewart, Tabori & Chang and now available at major bookstores. I haven’t read it, nor do I own a copy (yet), but if you like Patricia’s blog I’m pretty certain you’ll enjoy this attractive little hardcover (
under $14 at Amazon).
“It’s basically about attitude and empowerment,” Patricia commented at One-Eyed Golfer, a blog by Vince Spence, “and largely directed at the demographic that represents the biggest untapped market for the golf industry: the women (all ages) who are intrigued but intimidated by the game, who’ve thought about playing but decided they might not be welcome, or who’ve played a bit and encountered resistance.”
Ladies, check it out. Men, tell the ladies (or, ahem, gift idea), but if you run across a copy it wouldn’t be a bad idea to pick it up. It’s always smart to collect some good information on that demographic.
−The Armchair Golfer