This series is called, "ONE GIFT UNDER YOUR TREE. Today, Sue De Chiara from The Zhush from will answer:
This year at the top of my wish list is an ever growing collection of art work! As a blogger, I look at several hundred images a week, but the ones that always steal my heart are the images of beautiful art! Even though we have run out of wall space around here, I still have a collection of "someday" purchases, so I thought I would share my favorite with you here today. Since I have a tongue and cheek series about Random CHANEL Items on The Zhush I've been looking at all things "Chanel" for almost a year, as a result I have become quite obsessed with this Andy Warhol print.
And while I could never afford an ORIGINAL, I have found reasonable reprints here. Now I need to convince my husband that a GIANT bottle of Chanel no. 5 absolutely reflects both of our tastes!
Sue De Chiara
Thanks Sue! Stay tuned for more bloggers answering what one gift they'd like under their trees!