Thursday, December 16, 2010

'One Gift' Featuring Sue De Chiara...(Via Made By Girl)

This series is called, "ONE GIFT UNDER YOUR TREE. Today, Sue De Chiara from The Zhush from will answer:

This year at the top of my wish list is an ever growing collection of art work!  As a blogger, I look at several hundred images a week, but the ones that always steal my heart are the images of beautiful art!  Even though we have run out of wall space around here, I still have a collection of "someday" purchases, so I thought I would share my favorite with you here today.  Since I have a tongue and cheek series about Random CHANEL Items on The Zhush I've been looking at all things "Chanel" for almost a year, as a result I have become quite obsessed with this Andy Warhol print.

And while I could never afford an ORIGINAL, I have found reasonable reprints here.  Now I need to convince my husband that a GIANT bottle of Chanel no. 5 absolutely reflects both of our tastes!

mom to 3, owner of on line shop/blogger
New York, NYC

Thanks Sue! Stay tuned for more bloggers answering what one gift they'd like under their trees!