Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Shoot Factory, it's Been A While...(Via Made By Girl)

I haven't been on Shoot Factory in quite sometime, but I DO subscribe to their email list to get all the good stuff in my email! 

For those of you NOT FAMILIAR with Shoot Factory, it's an agency based out of the UK that provides DREAM locations for photo shoots, film productions and more!

The houses they come across are so FANTASTIC & definitely worthy of being featured in any interior design magazine. I'm NOT kidding, just take a look at these photos below.

I gathered a few that I thought would serve as inspiration for my GUEST bedroom, which I'm STILL working on...& I'm still CLUELESS about!  Nevertheless, Shoot Factory is still a great site to visit for anyone looking for great spaces (all over the world) to shoot in! Photographers take notes!

images via shoot factory