The OS invasion hasnt stopped yet and last week, I was summoned by the OS team to be part of the shoot for their video campaign. I was honored that AJ Omandac and Paul Jatayna of OS chose me to be their make up artist along with great talents like
Charles Buenconsejo(Photographer) , Judd Figuerres (film) , and Darryl Recina (styling) with models Marita Ganse and Krystal Espiritu.
I was a bit apprehensive to say yes because I easily feel intimidated with the models whom ill be working with but turned out fun. I learned that Krystal and I went to De La Salle Dasmarinas and we both graduated BS Nursing . She was 1 year ahead of me. While Marita Ganse , who at first had me startsrucked, made me feel comfy with her stories and love for make up. We inspected each beauty bags and we discovered that we have the same love for cheap make up too hehe... We even have the same brushes! I had no sleep before the shoot but the energy that each and everyone gave made me survive that night. I cant wait to see the video . Judd Figuerres is really good! and props to the OS team for choosing Darryl Recina.. there's a lot of stylists out there , but honestly Darryl is one of the best!