I have to say....I've been in a CRAZY dessert mood lately. Ever feel that way!?!?
With sites like Food Gawker it's so hard to not CRAVE sweets! My guy is awesome, he loves making me any dessert I like....I'm so blessed in that sense! SO, for this weekend - which will be over 100 degrees here in Las Vegas, I'm in the mood for something chocolate & frozen!! Can't wait!
How about you? Any particular dessert you crave during the SUMMER heat?!?
If you haven't checked out FoodGawker - take a quick look. Well, quick is an understatement.
When I go to their site - I end up staying way toooo long. So, watch out, it's ADDICTING if you love food & dessert!
Don't say I didn't warn you!!!
-images via foodgawker