Sunday, August 28, 2011


cherry : >>ROOTS<<00A10018 by naida Stipe
bracelet : >>ROOTS<<00A10035 by naida Stipe
belly chain : >>ROOTS<<00A10038 by naida Stipe
nipple hanging wire : >>ROOTS<<00A10039 by naida Stipe
skirt : >>ROOTS<<00JS10018 by naida Stipe
tight : >>ROOTS<<00L10003.S by naida Stipe
hair : >TRUTH< Jordan Streaked - coffee by Truth Hawks
ears : [Acide!] Pique la V2.3 by Acide Innovia
skin : al vulo-  Vero* peacock teeth claveage bronze with vero shape by Hlin Bluebird
eyes : al vulo-vanity eyes gift 0l$ no longer by Hlin Bluebird
chair : oOo Studio Ottoman actually free in the store by  Olaenka Chesnokov
shoes : [Gos] [Docs V2] 8 Hole - F - BLACK by Gospel Voom