We had the fabulous opportunity to meet the co-founder himself, Shannon, who popped by our booth at the recent Flea.Fly.Flo.Fun over the saturday, where we exchanged ideas on the whole designer scene! Shoplette is not just any other fashion directory, but set to be the next big shopping portal where everyone can share their latest shopping purchases!
Shoplette is a social shopping site where you can tell your friends what you've bought and where you bought it. Use it to discover new stuff to buy and new places to shop, and find out what's hot and where to shop even in other countries!
Believe it or not, this online shopping portal was set up in Singapore by two shopaholics with a weakness for their fervent shopping trips to Tokyo and Hong Kong! They love discovering and sharing new shopping hideouts, and hope to help other avid shoppers do the same through Shoplette.
Posting what you bought is simply effortless via the Shoplette homepage or MMS from your mobile phone. You can also "follow" the shopping updates of other users (whose shopping taste you fancy), to stay up-to-date with what these users have been shopping for!
For bloggers, there's also a Shoplette blog widget that will automatically display the stuff you bought and posted on the site. You can also post stuff from Shoplette directly to your blog with the "post to blog" button on every item page.
A quick search over at Shoplette also reveals that we're already quite a hit with the fans - as can be seen over here:
Comments on Our New Arrival Miss Marine Dress - Bought by Shoplette user Mel Chan from Style Damsel