Or rather don't! I just found the most amazing color of
H.I.P. liquid lip color in a rich berry hue (
Tainted) that rocks my world. It's glossy but it goes on like smooth lipstick. So like every girl I immediately put it on after purchasing it from Duane Reade on my lunch hour. It weathered fairly well for a lip gloss. I had eaten lunch by the time I applied and sporadically checked in the bathroom mirror through out the rest of the day - how Ally
McBeal minus the co-ed thing... Anyway, at a quick glance my lips looked luscious and glossy like a
L'Oreal ad. The problem hit when I got home after work. I managed to change into the
loungy clothes that no self-respecting girl would ever admit to wearing - you know what I'm talking about! That ratty t-shirt from 1994 and the plaid pants that don't look flattering on anyone but are
SOOOO comfortable?? - After adorning myself in my comfy clothes I hit the bathroom vanity to admire my new lip color. I don't know if you ever saw the old tan lady in
There's Something About Mary? The overly wrinkled one with the smoking wrinkles around her mouth?? Well my lips looked like that except my wrinkles were a rich berry! Talk about bleeding lip color! So after the realization that I spent part of my work day looking like this and probably had a conversation with my boss while sporting this unattractive new look I thought "that was a waste." But then why did it have to be a waste of a GREAT colored lip gloss? This is 2008, someone, probably a celebrity makeup artist, has to know how to prevent the bleeding lip problem. I know I am not the only person who has had this happen. So I hit Google and did a few searches. Most people recommended this very long regime of putting foundation and powder on, using lip liner, applying lipstick with a brush, then reapply powder, some blotting... serious maintenance! I don't know about you but I put my eyeshadow on during my train ride to work. And yes I can do my eye liner and mascara with out looking like a drag queen. So the saga continues and I think I am doomed to have bleeding lips or dull boring ones for the rest of my life and then I ran across this customer review of a
reverse lip liner by DuWop at
Beauty.com. Intriguing, I know. So I read the review and a few others and thought why not? I spent the $19, better work, and it will be here some time this week. (Don't you get excited when you order something online? It's like waiting to open your birthday presents.) Of course after the fact I found that
Cargo makes a similar product for $14. Hindsight is
alway 20/20 I guess.
Yet to come.... The results of my completely unofficial trial of the
DuWop reverse lip liner. I know you're waiting with
bated breath... (old school phrase - well more Shakespearean than old school - but kind of fun, like bringing back the word Gnarly)