I've gone back and sewn Simplicity 2554 in version B again. This time, actually following the instructions! It turned out fine. I used some white, 100% cotton jersey that I picked up very cheaply in Truro 2 Easter's ago. It would have looked a little nicer in a slinkier knit. This knit is sort of thick and stiff. But it is still plenty good enough for kicking around with the kids, which is the purpose of this shirt.
I'm not sure this is a great pattern for a woman my age. It's a little frilly. Then again, why not? I might as well jump on the band wagon now, because I'll only be older next year :)
My plan is to make two more short sleeved tshirts, probably from HotPattern's Weekender Sunshine Pattern. It's nice and relaxing to sew something from a pattern that you have already tried out. Then, I can turn my attention to more interesting things. Like a Spring Ball the beginning of May...