I SPENT MOST OF TODAY at Hardscrabble Country Club in Fort Smith, Arkansas. It was a good day, the kind of day that reminded me that golf is a game. I know I’m stating the obvious and may sound plain dumb. But after the last six months of mostly writing about the pros and peripheral issues it has been easy to lose sight of that simple joyous fact.
What brought it back for me was watching young golfers pound balls on the practice tee at Hardscrabble. They ranged from high school to college age. They were good. Their swings were loose and free and powerful. They were playing the game even while practicing. There was enthusiasm and abandon in their whole approach. They didn’t even have to think about it. It was fun to watch and thoroughly refreshing.
Youth instinctively know how to play. Adults easily lose it because so much else can (and does) get in the way. Golf is most definitely a game. I’m glad I was reminded of that today.
−The Armchair Golfer
(Image: ScruffDog/Flickr)