ANYTHING I COULD POSSIBLY think of to say about Vince Spence, who passed away this week, has already been said so well by so many others. (For a Ryan Ballengee post that includes comments and links to other remembrances, visit Waggle Room.) Vince authored One-Eyed Golfer and made many friends in a short period of time. He loved golf and wrote about it with enthusiasm and self-deprecating wit. He was a generous soul who reached out to me and many others who shared his passion for the game.
Not only did Vince run a blog, he formed a church (photo above). To my knowledge, it was the only joint golf-blog golf-church enterprise. Running a golf church was obviously part of his calling, but I doubt that it was ever easy. Especially forgiving Tiger Woods. (I think he may have lost a few parishioners on that one, even though I believe forgiveness was a central tenet of the One-Eyed Golfer faith.)
God bless you, Vince. Thanks for shaking things up and being so doggone irrepressible and fun.
−The Armchair Golfer