Fred Couples is also 50. Not only has Freddie lit up the Champions Tour, he led the Masters after 36 holes.
Tom Watson is 60. We all know about his golf exploits in the last year or so.
The oldest living major champion winner, Jack Fleck is 88 and still heads to the golf course nearly every day to hit balls and play a few or several holes.
Errie Ball, who played in his first British Open at age 15 in 1926, is 99 years young. The last I heard, Ball still gives lessons at the Willoughby Golf Club in Stuart, Florida. Errie was a good friend of Bobby Jones and is the last surviving player from the inaugural Masters. Ponder that.
So keep playing golf. It’s an elixir.
−The Armchair Golfer
(Image: Keith Allison/Flickr)