This morning I got a visit from one of my blogging friends Gail from Obee Designs. As always she left me a very sweet comment. Being that I haven't visited her in a while, I went over to pay her a visit. Like always, she had some of the most amazing post that I had a joy catching up on. As I was scrolling down her blog, I notice in her sidebar this T-Shirt shown above. I knew in an instant that it was another beautiful creation of her daughter Meghan. Just above the T-shirt, I notice this youtube news clip. So I watched it. As I was watching it tears began to roll down my face. I thought it was just the most heart warming story. A young lady using her beautiful art in honor of both grandfathers to spread awareness of heart disease.
Meghan created Obee designs with her mom Gail in honor of both of her grand fathers she lost to heart disease. She turned her tragic loss into something positive by creating beautiful t-shirt and jewelry to spread awareness. A portion of the proceeds goes to The American Heart Association. Her beautiful necklaces can be customized and a picture of a loved one you loss can be included into the back of the necklace. Not only is it for loved ones loss but also for loved ones gained. You can put a picture of a baby, child or spouse or even your pet. Whatever you choose, just knowing that her lovely creations are to help bring awareness to heart disease is enough for me.
Meghan's art work has been successful. She has already raised hundreds of dollars for The American Heart Association. How awesome is that! I'm loving her designs. Now Meghan is working on her new T-shirt line titled "Near and Dear T Shirts" I really love the heart with the wings! Beautiful T-shirt Meghan! I love to see young people do something positive. So I ask that you please check out the Obee Design Etsy shop, her youtube link and Gail's blog to get more information about Obee design. Congratulations Meghan, I know both of your grandfather's are proud of you! Keep up the good work! To see the video in full size, double click on the video.