Monday, September 20, 2010

A little Bit of Fashion Trend.....(Via Made by Girl)

I swear, there's a FAUX FUR vest trend all over the place! I walked into Michael Kors last weekend & I couldn't help but notice them. Of course, I tried one on  and I loved it! I REALLY may consider getting it for the Winter. Also, have you  noticed that Military jackets are back?!? YES, military jackets.

Hey, I have no complaints...I've always LOVED them, in fact so much so that this weekend I bought the light colored one below at Zara! I think it was about $169.....However, while I was shopping at Zara, I noticed how much attention that particular jacket was getting.... so I quickly GRABBED the only size Medium they had! 

Have you seen the faux fur vests & military jackets?  Which trend sparks your interest? Which would you wear??!

  1.  Michael Kors
  2.  J. Crew
  3.  revolve clothing
  4.  edit ny
  5.  revolve clothing
  6.  old navy

white zara jacket image via : vstyle

By the way Ebay is a great source for AFFORDABLE faux fur vests.