One of my favorite blogs to check out is Parlour, run by Nichole. Nichole is always up to something in the DIY department. She makes all kinds of funky furniture, including lighting! I found her most recent project quite amazing.... a pendant light made with over 1000 COFFEE filters. I admit, I've seen this before online but not to this scale, this one is HUGE! I definitely know what she went through.... because the pendant I made, took a lot of FOCUS and patience!! the end of the day, it makes your home even more special because you made it.
Many of you may recognize a similar pendant hanging over a bed on the cover of Sixx Design's 'Downtown Chic' book right? Well, that pendant sells for lots of money. I admire that Nichole made one for her own home. I don't see that as copying since she is only using it in her home...I'm all for this!