jumu-jujiin si ADRIAN! taray! =p
the rei kawakubo fan , Shan Shan
she has the most VOGUE- worthy editorial blog photos
my fave Tahti
french photographer Clement Louis who i had a chance to chat on fb.haha
he said im cute ><
adrian cano. my fellow chictopian
As promised ,id share a lil sneak peak of the book -STYLE DIARIES. i scoured the bookstores around manille, and i havent found a single one yet. I was supposed to do this post yesterday but i found out that mom brought it to school , covered it with plastic cover and showed the book to her c0- librarians, teachers , janitors , security guards i knew way way back in elementary and high school. Thats a mother for you. They thought I had my nose done. i was a mushroom back then.
As for the book, its a actually a great idea. Yes yes yes... you might say that its just a book with bloggers and their pictures on it however its a rather beautful and sensible compilation. We always read Susie Bubble or Jane Aldridge 24/7 online , but its nicer to see them compiled.. clasped in a thick glossy book. Its like invading the summarized version of their lives . I realized after reading the style diaries of each one of the bloggers, more than half of them including me are surprisingly shy. Like we have issues regarding esteem. Thats why maybe through style , clothes, fashion or whatever, they have acquired that unusual power for them to inspire people and later on discover their niche that is their own lil self and nothing else.
Thank you again STYLEDIARIES. I would never think of myself being put in a book . Not in a million years ..but this world is full of mystery.
happy Wednesday everyone! =p