How amazing is this modern pad in Paris?? I'm really loving the DARK hardwood floors combined with white interior walls (my absolute favorite look)....sorry, I'm JUST not into colored walls anymore! Wallpaper however... I will do!
Placing LARGE scale ART on white walls makes the white not seem so stark. The ARTWORK or PHOTOGRAPH seems to pop even more when placed on a white background...of course, that's my opinion.
Placing LARGE scale ART on white walls makes the white not seem so stark. The ARTWORK or PHOTOGRAPH seems to pop even more when placed on a white background...of course, that's my opinion. live in a place like this in Paris, what a dream!!
The design is by French designer Vincent Parreira (who I'm looking forward to seeing more of) and it's an eighteenth century home converted into a modern masterpiece.
via zainteriora