Crafty Girl, Barb Craft passed this award to me, which I thought was very sweet that she had thought of me. Please check out her blog and her latest layout she just did of her daughter. It is full of color and I love the layout design. Thank you Bard for this award, it's my first one, and I am happy it came from you! Now that I have this award I need to follow the blog award rules.
1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this
2. Share 8 things about yourself
3. Pay it forward to 8 bloggers that you have recently discovered
4. Contact those bloggers and tell them about their awards
8 Things about me:
1. I have at least one Starbucks Mocha a day (yes everyday)
2. My childhood best friend (age 8) is still my best friend
3. I have owned my own business 3 times, sold 2 of them.
4. I have moved 22 times in just 38 years ( I hate moving)
5. I am very organized, I hate clutter
6. I did my 1st scrapbook at 17, I now have over 70 scrapbooks/digital/altered finished albums.
7. I am a craft instructor at Hobby Lobby & at Michael's Store.
8. I love these things: decorating, pop music, headbands, homemade items, teaching crafts and hanging with my girlfriends.
Now I need to pass this award to 8 blogs.... in random order....
1. The Scrappy Tree Members Julie, Gayle & Kristin
2 Jessie
3. Terri
4. Joanne
5. Debra
6. 2amscrapper
7. Robin
8. Cindy-Lynn
Please visit these ladies and show them some blog love & also stop by CraftyGirl Barb & check out her blog. Thanks again Barb, I really do
appreciate the award.. and all of my new blog friends and followers.