Monday, January 10, 2011

Pulp Design Studios....(Via Made By Girl)

Pulp Design Studios wrote me an email today introducing me to their Interior Design services. Beth Dotolo & Carolina Gentry are the two AMAZING LADIES behind this boutique design firm, located in Dallas, Texas. Some of you may RECOGNIZE the name Beth Dotolo.... up until recently she used to work with Nest Interior Design.  

She's now pursuing her own business & that's where Pulp Design Studios comes in the picture. 

I'm so excited to hear she's doing her own thing....I've been a F-A-N of her work for a little while now & am thrilled to share some of it here today! 

Below: Desperately seeking THIS white wallpaper. Anyone know where it's from?????

Below: OMG I must get my hands on two of those VELVET teal pillows!

images by Kevin Dotolo

Congrats to both Beth & Carolina!