Below: Victoria Beckham spotted with Céline! And she has those metal cuffs I am so obsessed over...makes me so jealous!

Below: Céline Box Leather Bag...

Below: The Céline metal cuff which I am obsessed over now! So hard to find!

Victoria Beckham Spotted With Her Céline Box Leather Shoulder Bag And Metal Gold Cuffs
Mrs Beckham, one of the most watch style stars of our time seems to have catched on the Céline fever as well. Not only is she seen exiting her Manhattan Hotel clutching her Céline Large Box Leather Bag...but on her wrist is my current obsession... those highly elusive Céline Gold Metal Cuffs which I absolutely must track down a bigger size for myself!
Love! Now I have more reasons and conviction that I need to get myself a larger gold Céline Metal Cuff Bracelet... I sold my small size today... so sad to part with it after so much trouble locating it and utilising all the personal favours!
Source: Upscalehype