Welcome back! Monday again....and it's back to work for most of us! Most of the weekend was SUPER rainy here...& of course today is sunny!
Anyhow, today I'd like to introduce you to Dana who was kind enough to share her lovely closet with Made By Girl! Dana is also a blogger who blogs at Shopaholic via Romania. The first time I saw these pictures, I thought...this is my kind of closet.... an entire room that feels like a small boutique! Cool huh?
I'll let Dana tell you a little bit about it:
This is my walk-in closet :) It is an entire room dedicated to all my clothes
& shoes & bags & jewelry.
It is made entirely with an IKEA closet system (Stolmen). I also have a very
old sewing machine (gift from my mother) and a tall mirror with wood frames.
My favorite part? The shoe shelves, obviously! Enjoy!
Do you have a closet that could possibly be featured on Made By Girl? If so, email me here. We'll review it & let you know.
-images via shopaholic