the host Miss Litton wearing Veejay Floresca
i love her
Marin Bautista and muse
anthony Ramirez and muse
hi Veejay
handsome hair
my fave fave...
Amina Aranaz and Joel Escober...
Cedric Cid , Tina Daniac.. cute ni cedric
Ruffa G statuesque and ultra pretty
"please watch MAMARAZZI on tv5. grabe ang cheap lang"
oh ruffa. yer super cute and funny.and yer voice is super modulated pa.
Editor-in-chief SARI YAP
patrick galang's choice that night
Veejay Floresca
Patrick Galang
Saab Magalona
JeromeLorico and friend Daniel
Ziggy Savella
With JP Singson who just came back from his Europe trip
Paul Jatayna
THE Gelo Zoe project
Camille Sioco and BF
Miadore designer Yekky Balingit
super blogger Kookie Buhain
designer Camille Sioco
Shieka Tamano
The TIN Iglesias and Thysz Estrada
Soule Phenomenon's Jan Puentevella
pak the cheekbones!
byutipul gerlss..
me and my new boyfriend,.. chos lang .. chos lang talaga. wala namang masama mag echos d b? ganda ganda ko no? chos hahaa
mike lavet of MENTAL clothing
mike lavet of MENTAL clothing
Congratulations MEGA for the successful event. Im so excited for more issues in the future. Also, im looking forward for the upcoming show entitled GEN M. MEGA has always been adamant in discovering and celebrating raw and fresh talents and i truly appreciate it so much. . I dint drink that night since I have work at 6 am the following day but im naturally high from seeing all the fabulous designs of the top ten designers this year. Martin Bautista was there and can i say that hes so handsome that night. His designs are rampantly worn by celebs and it girls and I am just a fan. Another thing that made me so happy was seeing Patrick Galang's design worn by none other than Krystal Espiritu. At first i was like "Hi, Krystal. i love the vest! Gian Romano? ..." she smiled and said "No. Patrick Galang. "... I shouldav kept my mouth shut hehe.
Cover girl Ruffa Gutierrez was there and shes just genuinely amusing. More power to MEGA. and special thanks to stylists Eldzs Mejia for the invite.
more photos soon haha. im beginning to get tired of my DSLR. can someone really teach me how to take basic and good photos using it? lech!