Below: New shoes for 2011... first shoe purchase for the new year, all the way from Bangkok's Dolce & Gabbana boutique...

Below: Meet my Dolce & Gabbana Raw Canvas And Waxed Leather Cap Toe Derby Shoes from the Pre-Spring 2011 collection...

Below: Raw cut woven canvas mixed with waxed leather cap toes and heel just gets all the right tick in my shoe shopping checklist...

Below: Perfect to go with summer shorts... but I took half a size down since the shoe is cut longer...

Dolce & Gabbana Raw Canvas And Waxed Leather Cap Toe Derby Shoes
I may have been a fan of bags... but I am also an admirer and avid shopper for shoes:-)
For the first 2011 addition to my ever growing shoe family...(which I got during my New Year vacation in Bangkok)... something from Dolce & Gabbana. It's really a love at first sight. I forgo the chance to buy my Hermès Clic Clac H Bracelet in White and Gold for this. But I never regret my decision:-)
Meet my new shoe for new 2011, Dolce & Gabbana Cap Toe Derby Shoes in Raw Canvas and Waxed Leather. There is just something with mixing raw edged canvas with gloss waxed leather in Khaki and Beige tones that I cannot resist. I wore a pair of white shorts when I tried them at the Siam Paragon store... it was perfect for summer styles. Hence, I brought it all the way back from Bangkok to Singapore, a pair of shoes that travelled thousands of miles even before I started walking in them:-) The shopping gods have spoken... I was meant to have them. Especially when my Club 21 member's discount was applicable even in Thailand:-)
(Note: The shoes have a slightly long body, so I took half a size down to look proportionately to my ankle width so I can wear them with shorts)
Now available at Dolce & Gabbana's boutique at Ion Orchard Singapore (Price:SGD890).
Source: myMANybags