Things are pretty good over here.... minus the SUPER windy weather! My Goodness! Anyway, I haven't been out of the house today except to walk my dogs...I feel a bit housebound! When I'm at home & start to feel BORED I begin to imagine what kind of projects I could tackle. Whether it's design related or's a strange form of inspiration... boredom....ever FEEL that feeling!? Inspired out of boredom?! I know I do.
Well, today I started thinking of the color pink & how it's inspired me throughout my own life. Ever since I was a little girl, Pink was was one of my favorite colors. These days I gravitate toward this color in all different shades from coral to magenta. In fact, most of the paintings from my upcoming Cocoa & Hearts shop include different variations of pinks!
How do you feel about the color PINK? Is it in your top favorite colors?
2. Wrap watch
14. blackberry pouch