By John Retzer

Instead, my models were Instapundit, Gizmodo and BoingBoing. Like Instapundit, I decided to offer short, pithy comments and links to (golf) news; as with Gizmodo, I planned to link to new (golf) products and review them; and following BoingBoing’s lead, I would write about and link to (golf related) things that interest me or that I found cool. Finally, as with any blog, I would offer observations on life—in this case, my golfing life.
In the past year, I’ve published 1,300 posts, bringing the grand total to 6,478. In doing so, I continue to avoid the fate of thousands of others who have started a golf blog—that of writing a few pieces and then losing interest. The Internet is littered with the corpses of abandoned blogs. And yet, through it all, GolfBlogger remains a part-time effort. I like teaching high school, and have no intention of turning the blog into a full-time gig.
I’ve kept the blog going because I love to write. Before I changed careers to become a teacher, I was a professional editor and ghostwriter. I also love golf, so the match was a natural. In fact, I find that writing for GolfBlogger has become a compulsion.
I’d like to thank the many, many thousands who make a habit of visiting the site, and the sponsors who make it financially possible for me to keep it going.