Monday, March 28, 2011

Yvonne's Home Tour...(Via Made By Girl)

Welcome back - it's nice to say....but I still wish it was the weekend & that I was SUNBATHING on a beach somewhere....  That would be the best case scenario right now.  But till then, I'd like to share fellow blogger, Yvonne's home. 

She blogs over at a super cute blog called Simply Yvonne and recently had a gorgeous baby, whose nursery you can spot below!  She's also a graphic designer & talented photographer....with all that talent, it's no wonder her home is so cute! Hope it inspires you on this Monday....

 And what do you think of the nursery? Cute huh? I love the idea of hanging the baby clothing NEATLY along the wall and displayed openly in the room.

-images via simply yvonne