Many of you are probably familiar with Designer Tord Boontje right? If not, you can view a full range of his work here. I've always been drawn to his work because of the DETAILS and intricacy involved. He's designed some interesting and thought-provoking pendants such as the Midsummer we've all seen on many POPULAR design blogs. However, the Icarus is the one I find most appealing! You can actually purchase it via Generate.
Sure, it may NOT be everyone's taste, but I like the idea of having unique accessories in one's home. The Icarus is described like this on Tord Boontje's site:
"Through experimentation with cutting paper to create a three dimensional form for a light, we discovered a structure with overlapping feather shapes that resembled a swan's wing. We made the form a-symmetrical to emphasize this and to make it very dynamic. As the light appears as a wing circling a light, the name Icarus seemed an appropriate reference."
image above by Annabel Elston
Does this particular lighting appeal to you? Would you hang it in your home?