Thursday, October 14, 2010

My MANy Bags News #277

Below: myMANybags goes backstage at the upcoming Dior Marina Bay Bays Grand Opening Fashion Show... An insider look at what goes on before the shows! Look at the clothes and shoes and! Amazing show awaits! Asian power to the models selection, yay!

Below: New colours for Lady Dior Bags and they now come with shoulder cute!

Below: Gorgeous Liu Wen getting her make-up done!

Below: Another version of the Lady Dior bag in a even more petite size with fabulous pearl bag charm in gold...Cute and perfect for evening parties like this Dior party! And don't you think Bagaholicboy pulls off the fur clutch so well?:-P

Below: Make up time...and more shoes to tempt!

myMANybags Goes Backstage At The Christian Dior Marina Bay Sands Grand Opening Fashion Show

Thanks to the lovely marketing and PR ladies at Dior, me and Bagaholicboy were graciously granted exclusive backstage pass to have an insider look at what's happening behind the scenes at the mega grand Fashion Show happening later this evening!

We had the chance to get up close and personal with the models...(we even caught Super Model Liu Wen doing her make up!) and fondled affectionately with the lovely Fall Winter 2010 collection and Cruise 2011 Collection. Amazing pieces to behold... it's one thing to see them from afar, but another to appreciate the beauty and details up close. I love the shoes, especially the lace material tall heels and that 'oh so lovely to hold' fur clutch! (Bagaholicboy looked fab holding it, don't you agree?)

It's Asian power for the models selection. Almost all the models are beautiful girls from Asia. Love Dior's support to display the charm of Asian beauties!

Okay enjoy the backstage pics for now. More to share about the party and show, post event. Me rushing to the show venue now! Remember to follow me on my tweets and blog, together with you know who (my blogging companions, Bagaholicboy and Fash-eccentric!)

Click here for all posts on Dior Marina Bay Sands Opening:-)

Source: myMANybags