Thank you Laura for my Stylish Blogger Award. Laura and I met at Hannah's Home Accents
where we are both on the design team. I am sure we will be crafty friends 4 life. Check out
her site when you get a chance. Scrapaddict 4 life
In order to "accept" my award, I need to "pass it on".......
Rule #1: I link back to the person who gave me this awesome award, Laura
Rule #2: I share 7 random things about myself:
1. I am addicted to Starbucks Mocha's, I have at least 1 a day
2. I still keep a day planner
3. I love headbands & big sunglasses
4. I love decorating & rearranging furniture
5. I love going shopping w/ my girlfriends & planning dates w/ them
6. I do something crafty almost everyday!
7. I stay up late watching reality tv
Rule #3: I award 7 newly discovered bloggers with this award please check out their sites & say Hi!
1. Another Scrappy Blog, Jennifer CTMH2. Patterns By Sher