Saturday, August 22, 2009

TO-FU OYAKO Collectors' Stamps

Image source from artoyzflickr

I can be quite a child when it comes to To-Fu Oyako (loosely translate as beancurd Parent and child). The infamous tofu figurine from Japan is the only character with the magnitude that can betray my corporate poker face.

In conjunction with Singapore Toy, Games & Comic Convention 2009, Singapore Post organised the To-Fu Oyako MyStamp Design Competition that aims to unleash creativity and innovation in the design arena in May. Winners were announced early this month and results were based on online votes.

The local postal service also came up with 2 limited edition To-Fu Oyako stamps collectors' set that cost from SGD 29.90 - 39.90.

Each stamps is valued at $1.10. The postman set comes with a 2.5 - inch figurine, while the snake and ladder set comes with the classic game pad and unique serial numbering.

TO-FU OYAKO Postman MyStamp set consists of TO-FU OYAKO stamp sheet with five $1.10 stamps and a specially designed 2.5-inch TO-FU OYAKO figure wearing a SingPost uniform, SGD 29.90

TO-FU OYAKO Board Game MyStamp set consist of a TO-FU OYAKO stamp sheet with six $1.10 stamps and a TO-FU OYAKO snake and ladder board game. To make this an even more sought after collectible, each set also comes with a unique serial number to identify itself! SGD 39.90

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TO-FU OYAKO, created by Japanese designers, DEVILROBOTS, are the fairies of TOFU. They live on the planet TO-FU. The red TO-FU OYAKO is the mother and the blue TO-FU OYAKO is the son. They travel around space in search of the father TO-FUOYAKO. Their journey will never end until they find the father TO-FU OYAKO.

Launch of the 4-inch Baby TO-FU and PLAY TO-FU Series 2 @Iluma last month via playimaginative