Thursday, June 23, 2011

This One I Like! : Vogue 1235

I tried the classic one foot crossed, hand on hip pose.  You can see me telling my 7 year old to go ahead and press the button!
Maybe this pose shows the front of the dress better.  Sorry guys, I  wear makeup about 3 or 4 times a year!  I am not even shamed into wearing it when posting my face on the www!  Shocking, no?

I really like this dress.  It is my second completed Vogue dress and this was a more sensible style for some-one with an unbalanced figure like me. The top and the bottom are joined together with a seam at the waist, and then this whole area is covered by a sash.  So you have a lot of room to manuever while trying to get the fit right.  Also, adding a few inches to a full skirt is easy.

This dress is extremely comfortable.  I omitted the elastic at the waist and the side seam zipper.  I don't notice any detriment to the look of the dress, and it certainly is comfortable!   I also fused some vilene bias tape around the shoulders and neck and found the stitching in these areas to be a breeze, unlike when I sewed my striped top.  Thanks for the spot-on advice guys!

I don't have time to sew a second dress right now, but I would certainly consider one in the future.  Next time I might sew a smaller size in the front on top.  I also didn't use clear elastic on the shoulder straps because I didn't have any.  It's OK, but not gathered as much on the shoulders as I think it should be.  

Finally, I love the print on this fabric, but I have to admit that fabrics with a lot of spandex are not my favourite texture-wise.  It always feels a bit shiny and sickly and reminds me of bathing suit fabric!  I do think that fabrics with plenty of spandex are a must to get this pattern to work right, though.  Having just sewn it, I wouldn't want to try it with a plain cotton jersey.

The dreaded back view!  I like the low back.  Low, but still possible to wear a normal bra with it.
For some other great projects with this fabric check out The Knit Machine Queen and Carolyn.