Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Speaking of Vintage Frocks...

I won't be joining Joanne's Vintage Sewalong.  I love everything Joanne sews.  She has amazing taste and skill and style.  I even admire vintage.  But, I see myself as an advanced beginner sewer and trying to sew an old vintage pattern intimidates me.  Especially the potential fitting issues.  Alas, I am no hour glass!  But I do encourage anyone who's game to stop by her site and give it ago.  I will cheer you on!

And, in case anyone needs some inspiration, here is a clip (watch for the red dress!!!) from the BBC's latest three part revisitting of Upstairs Downstairs.  It is set in London in 1936, and it is gorgeous!  I believe that my American friends will be able to watch this mini series in April on PBS.  Do look out for it.