Saturday, April 23, 2011

Three Congressmen Take to the Golf Course

THE PEOPLE HAVE LONG been dissatisfied with Congress, but that hasn’t discouraged its Members from escaping to a golf course to chop away at the small ball. Here we have evidence from 1926 during the Calvin Coolidge administration. (Coolidge, by the way, was a lousy golfer. Real Clear Sports ranked him No. 1 on their list of Top 10 Least Athletic Presidents.)

The above three Congressmen (names not disclosed) are enjoying a round at Chevy Chase Club in Maryland, not far from Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. I like the fellow on the far left. There’s something about his equipment, attire and demeanor that tells me he lightened the wallets of his playing partners.

−The Armchair Golfer

(Image: Public Domain, Library of Congress)