Monday, July 26, 2010

CHA day 1

Just got back at 6:30 from day one of CHA fun.  Cheryl and I ate soo much food I don't think I need to eat for a few days.  The reception was awesome!  The copic class was nice too, but I wish the class was longer so we would of had more time to learn a few more tricks.  I plan to take the Intermediate Certification class in October, I guess its the "part-2" class. (new this year)  After that class I should be ready to go! (fingers crossed)  We leave tomorrow morning at 8:30 for day 2.  We did get some fun pictures today, I'll post some tomorrow but most of them will be on my private site.  Contact me if you want to have access to that site.  I have to take a picture of all my goodies from today!