Wednesday, August 25, 2010

My Affordable DIY Black Lamps.... (Via Made by Girl)

After writing this post, I was determined to buy the right lamps for my bedroom. Well, after deciding on a color (black) I looked all over the net and the least expensive lamp I found (that I liked) were $106 each! So, I thought why not just buy 2 aqua-colored lamps at TJ Maxx at $30 each and then buy 2 black drum shades at CSN Lighting for $26 each total, all for LESS than $125 so far! Not bad huh???

Ok, so I STILL needed BLACK lamps, so I headed to Home Depot & bought spray paint for $6.00!!

Below: what the lamps looked like before, these are not my lamps, (I forgot to take pics of mine).

With all that, I TURNED the Aqua lamps into some SLEEK black ones for my bedroom! Now, as I mentioned before...I may be MOVING.... (95% sure) and the new walls will be WHITE! Big difference from what my bedroom looks like now! 

(Below: and after....ta da!)

Below: this is not where the lamps will be placed, they're actually for my bedroom. Looking at then now, I think I need a more interesting finial, hmmm.

pic of aqua lamps via knight moves

pics of black lamps by jen ramos

P.S. I loved TJ Maxx by the way. I can't believe i had never been there before!