Friday, January 28, 2011

a Preview of Liz Uy


Ill never forget the day when Liz Uy spoke to me. Like the Messiah to his prophet Isaiah. On a random day at the Forever21 store , there she was in her towering Versace heels. Among the bevy of pimply young and fresh girls hoarding lace dresses racks after racks , she saw me. I was completely clueless why would this Preview's fashion editor would give a day and inquire about my shoes. yes ... I am not easily intimidated. Everyday i talk to them strict and scary doctors at work and i would look at them straight into the eye , batting my thick mascara . But the moment Liz , in her low sexy voice, asked me ... it was a completely different scenario. my mind went blank. my tongue.. tied. I repeat. It was like God speaking to Isaiah. From that day on, i swore to support the great Liz Uy. haha. And yes! Grab a copy of Preview's JAN-FEB issue. You'll know more of this lady in the cover story.