Monday, February 21, 2011

Amy Butler's Reversible Everyday Shopper

Everyday shopper, right side
In order to try the new sewing machine out, I whipped up this shopping bag.  It is IKEA printed cotton outside, and rough IKEA natural linen inside.  It only took an evening to make and was the perfect quick project to test out the new sewing machine.

I was a little dorky/naff and embroidered my name on the inside.  I wanted to make sure the embroidery module was working and couldn't think what else to do.  I'm not all that drawn to machine embroidery, but I should find some chances to use it so I get in some practice and learn about my new machine.

Everyday Shopper, inside-out
This bag was taken from Amy Butler's Reversible Everyday Shopper pattern in her book "Amy Butler's Style Stitches."  I am going to post these pics on Jemilia's flickr group because, who knows, I could win a gift certificate!

I had to return the book to the library.  There is a waiting list for it.  So this could be the end of bags for a while.  (I am relieved to know that no Essex libraries are being cut.  Locally, we will lose only one hour per week.  I can live with that!)  

In the meantime, I have another Hotpatterns Riveria Cardigan Jacket cut out.  And, I am about to trace off a Burda pattern for a maternity dress for my little sister.