Wednesday, May 25, 2011

How Gorgeous is our (America's) first lady?!

Just a quick note to say that I wasn't a very elegant writer in my last post.  It may have sounded like I was being touchy with Irene for pointing out that the side seam in my pants was pulling.  That's not the case!  Irene was astute, and I appreciate the observation.  I just haven't figured out how to tackle it yet.  I'm worried that my method of going up a size in the back pattern pieces might not be so good if I scaled up two pattern sizes.

Stepping off the Plane.  What a beautiful colour on her!
(I am a sucker for the pictures of the President looking at her admiringly.  Every woman's husband should have that look on his face from time to time!)

Taken from The Guardian:

At the State Dinner.  Who wouldn't want shoulders like that?

Obama UK state visit : Obama UK state visit
Taken from the Guardian Newspaper:

Lady-like chic meeting the Queen.

Taken from Hello Magazine:

In Jewel tones with the Prime Minister's wife.

Taken from Hello Magazine:

Maybe a little overdressed to be serving at a BBQ, but still gorgeous.

Taken from Hello Magazine:

Clean and crisp while speaking to inner city secondary school girls at Oxford.

Taken from The Telegraph: