Friday, May 20, 2011

Sergio Garcia to Run for Office?

DONALD TRUMP MIGHT NOT BE running for president, but apparently Spanish golf star Sergio Garcia is running for mayor. He must be judging from the above banner. Would you vote for him?

OK, so Garcia is not really running for mayor. The signage was instead a friendly way for his Fort Worth fan base to say howdy and welcome to Colonial Country Club and the Crowne Plaza Invitational. The banner greeted him just outside of the club’s gates.

Maybe it pepped up Garcia’s game. On Thursday he opened with a dandy 4-under 66. Friday wasn’t as good. Sergio carded five bogeys against two birdies for a 3-over 73.

Politics can’t be that much harder than golf, can it?

−The Armchair Golfer

(Visor tip to Alan Bastable)

(Photo: Courtesy of @CrownePlazaInv)