Friday, July 22, 2011

Jessica's Home Office Re-do...

Home offices can either be SUPER CUTE or a DISASTER depending on how well you take care of it. I know some people that have cables ALL over the office floor - while others buy handy cable covers to conceal them. For me, my current home office is in a loft area of my home, so there's really NO DOOR. It's open & visible once you get to the 3rd floor of my home. 

In fact, the way we decorate our offices makes a BIG difference in how we feel in it. I'm a bit of a neat FREAK, so I can't imagine having a MESSY ANYTHING...much less an office where I work everyday. 

A NEAT office helps me feel more relaxed & even enhances my creativity....I don't tend to feel as overwhelmed!  Another good thing is - I'm able to find things a lot turn saving more time & for some, 'time is money' right? 

Today, I'm highlighting an office makeover by Jessica from TART blog who lives in Hawaii.

Her office before was bland & BORING....and had no color. She now has a space she's proud to work in!  I think the added color to the walls and yellow curtains really brightened the space!  Trust me when I tell you this....go ahead & see the before pictures here. Enjoy!

(Resources- where to buy)

Desk: DIY
Wall cubes: Target
Floor and desk lamps: Target
 shelving unit & bins: Lowes.
Pillow: Target
Clock: Target
Picture Frames: Target
Pictures: Printed from online
Phone handset for iPhone via here.
You can download this awesome screensaver here
Apple Magic Trackpad instead of a mouse.