Monday, March 21, 2011

The Color PINK...(Via Made By Girl)

Welcome back everyone! How's your day going so far?? 

Things are pretty good over here.... minus the SUPER windy weather! My Goodness! Anyway, I haven't been out of the house today except to walk my dogs...I feel a bit housebound!  When I'm at home & start to feel BORED I begin to imagine what kind of projects I could tackle. Whether it's design related or's a strange form of inspiration... boredom....ever FEEL that feeling!? Inspired out of boredom?! I know I do.

Well, today I started thinking of the color pink & how it's inspired me throughout my own life. Ever since I was a little girl, Pink was was one of my favorite colors. These days I gravitate toward this color in all different shades from coral to magenta. In fact, most of the paintings from my upcoming Cocoa & Hearts shop include different variations of pinks! 

How do you feel about the color PINK? Is it in your top favorite colors?